The towns we work with are often far away from professional resources like landscape architects and planners; yet they still need parks and plazas, fairground updates, streetscape improvements and signage. As younger families flee the big cities for a less hectic way of life, they bring with them the need for recreation opportunities bike lanes and playgrounds, sports fields, and hiking trails. Any of these projects requires preliminary design and planning services in order to apply for funding and gain local support. This is where we come in.
With a project in mind, communities will first reach out to 6B community. We create a detailed agreement about our role, the town’s needs and goals and the project’s course from concept to bricks and mortar…or grass and trees! From there we put on our thinking caps, pull out our sketch pads, and look for inspiration from the abundant beauty of Washington’s landscape and rural traditions.
How We Work
Through our design process and network of partners, we have developed a process to equip communities with the knowledge and technical assistance to create sustainable and inclusive outdoor spaces that celebrate rural traditions. We believe in a hands-on, local approach that amplifies the voices of those seeking a long-term investment in their communities. Below is an outline of our design process:
1: Identify a community planning need with local authorities / ambassadors
2: Provide on the ground and digital community engagement
3: Design and document a plan and graphic package
4: Present plans and recommendations
5: Celebrate!
6B Community is a 501(c)3 not-forprofit organization, governed by a board of directors who supervise the activities of the organization. The board is composed of a diverse group of professionals with various skills and tool kits. Firm leadership includes design professionals and university professors. Shaunta Butler and Michael Brown provide daily operations whom develop strategic goals and program objectives.